Our first puzzle game StarMaster is now available in Android Market. It has even more features than iPhone version. So now owners of Google phones can try their hands at solving constellation puzzles as well as create their own levels and share them among colleagues or friends.
How to play.
Each level represents a new constellation, consisting of several stars. Each star is tied with one or several nearby stars. If you tap a star, which has a connection with THREE other stars, it will pick them up, thereby uniting with these three neighbor stars into one star. Stars with larger or smaller number of tied neighbors can not be merged with them. The aim of playing is to consistently merge all of the stars of the constellation so that at the end there was only one star. Thus the sequence of star uniting is very important.
* 68 standard levels
* Walk-through for each standard level
* Level editor
* Load new levels from Internet
* Walk-through banner if got stuck